Friday, July 30, 2010

Drugs To Avoid That May Affect Fertility

Many medications may have a deleterious effect on fertility, affecting sperm, eggs or sexual activity. Your doctor will want to know if you have been treated with any of the following drugs:

Sulphasalazine: lowers sperm count.

Nitrofurantoin: lowers sperm count.

Tetracycline: lowers sperm motility.

Cimetidine{anti- ulcer drug}: causes impotence.

Ketoconazole: causes impotence and lowers sex drive.

Colichicine: lowers fertilization power of sperm

Antidepressants: causes impotence

Propanolol: cause impotence

Chemotheraphy: lowers sperm count.

Recreational drugs: cannabis and alcohol causes sperm abnormalities; cocaine lowers libido as well as sperm motility and count.

Non- Steroidal Anti- Inflammatory Drugs) NSAIDS e.g. aspirin: affects egg follicles

Chemotherapy: causes ovarian failure.

Cannabis: stops ovulation and interrupts menstruation.

25 Fantastic Facts about Carrots

1. Carrots are a root vegetable that originated in Afghanistan. They were purple, red, white, and yellow, but never orange.

2. They are a member of the Umbelliferae family, which also includes celery, parsley, dill, cilantro, caraway, cumin, and the poisonous hemlock.

3. Both the Ancient Greeks and Romans cultivated carrots.

4. The Ancient Greeks called the carrot a philtron, which translates to "love
charm." They believed the carrot made both men and women more amorous.

5. Hippocrates recommended women eat carrot seeds to prevent pregnancy. Some modern studies indicate there may be some validity to this and that eating carrot seeds after intercourse may in fact prevent the egg implantation process and block progesterone synthesis.

6. Hippocrates created a broth recipe for good health consisting of carrots, celery, root parsley, and leeks.

7. As a joke, Caligula fed the entire Roman Senate nothing but dishes made of carrots at a banquet in the hope that their animal natures would overtake them and he could watch them "rut like wild beasts."

8. China, Japan, and India were cultivating carrots by the 13th century.

9. In the 16th century, Dutch carrot growers invented the orange carrot in honor of the House of Orange, the Dutch Royal Family. They did this by cross breeding pale yellow carrots with red carrots.

10. Newly orange, carrots traveled England with Dutch travelers during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.

11. The carrot soon caught on in England as both a food and a fashion accessory. Ladies would often use carrot tops to decorate their hats.

12. The settlers at Jamestown in 1607 introduced carrots to North America.

13. Thomas Jefferson grew a variety of different carrots in his gardens at Monticello. In 1814 he produced 18 bushels of carrots.

14.The scene from the movie It Happened One Night in which Clark Gable leans nonchalantly against a fence eating carrots while talking to Claudette Colbert inspired the creators of Bugs Bunny to give him the same nonchalant, carrot-eating demeanor.

15. China is the world's top carrot producer. The country produced 35 percent of the world's carrots in 2004. Russia is the second top producer and the United States the third.

16. Carrots ranked as the seventh most valuable crop produced in the United States in 2004.

17. California is the top fresh carrot producer in the United States, while Washington is the top producer of carrots meant for canning and other processing.

18. A 2005 poll revealed that carrots are the third most popular vegetable in Britain. (Brussels sprout are the least popular.)

19. Carrots are about 87% water.

20. Orange carrots get their color from beta carotene.

21. They have more beta carotene than any other vegetable. One cup of carrots has 16,679 IU of beta-carotene.

22. Eating too many carrots can cause a person's skin to turn yellowish orange, especially on the palms or soles of the feet. This is called carotenemia. It is completely reversible once the consumption of carrots is reduced.

23. One cup of raw carrots contains about 52 calories.

24. The longest carrot ever recorded was nearly 17 feet long.

25. The largest carrot ever recorded weighed 18.985 pounds.

So, now if a question is asked about carrots in Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? we know the answer. Don’t we?lol

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The 30 Minute Pregnancy Work Out

Warm up 15 minutes
Step outdoors and walk for 15 minutes. Stand tall with your shoulders back and down, elbows bent. Roll through your foot, from heel to toe, keeping your abs pulled in. Or, put on your favorite music and dance around your living room for 15 minutes.

Squat with overhead press
Holding 3- to 5-pound weights, stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Pull your abs in, draw your shoulders back and down, arms at your sides. Bend your knees and lower into a squat, sitting back on your hips and keeping knees behind toes
[A]. Straighten your knees to starting position and press your arms overhead.
[B]. Repeat 10–15 times.
Benefits: Improves balance, upper-body strength and stamina.

Plié with lateral raise
Holding 3- to 5-pound weights, stand with feet farther than hip-width apart, toes turned out. Place your arms in front of your hips. Bend your knees as you squeeze your buttocks and thighs
[A]. Straighten your legs as you raise your arms to shoulder height
[B]. Return to starting position. Repeat 10–15 times.
Benefits: Strengthens upper body and hips.

Opposite arm/leg reach
Get down on your hands and knees, wrists directly under your shoulders. Pull your abs in
[A]. Extend your right arm and left leg, holding for one full breath
[B]. Return to starting position, then extend your left arm and right leg. Do 5 times on each side.
Benefits: Strengthens back and abdominals.

Baby push-up
Get down on your hands and knees, wrists farther than shoulder-width apart, fingers pointing straight ahead. Pull your abs in
[A]. Bend your elbows, lowering your chest toward the floor. Keep your hips lifted.
[B]. Return to starting position and repeat 10–15 times.
Benefits: Strengthens upper body, abdominals and lower back.

Cool down for 3 minutes
Sit on the floor, placing the soles of your feet together. Holding onto your ankles, lean forward and round your spine. Hold for 30 seconds, slowly returning to the starting position. Do this 3 times.


Monday, July 26, 2010

What To Do When You Have A Bleeding Nose

1. Sit down in a chair with your head held forward not backward. In cases of severe bleeding this will prevent the backflow of blood to the back of the nose and throat and may prevent inhalation and swallowing of blood.

2. Loosen tight clothing around neck, chest and waist and sit close to an open window.

3. Breathe through your mouth not through your nose.

4. Pinch your nose firmly between the thumb and forefinger

5. A cold compress can be applied at the bridge of the nose and at the back of the neck.

6. Make sure you sit very still.

7. If the bleeding is very severe and does not stop after some minutes, you may need to see a doctor.

Photo Credits: A.D.A.M.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Findings About Breast Cancer

This is my own research to find out what research is being done about the scourge. Well, this is what i found out.

A Breakthrough in Breast Cancer! Breast cancer vaccine was found to be successful in mice and researchers are anxious to start testing it on human patients. The vaccine did not only breast cancer tumors but also stalled the growth of already existing tumors.

An old drug used in treating blood cancers may help fight aggressive breast cancer {triple negative breast cancer}.

Broccoli and Brussels sprouts have been proven to contain cancer-fighting components. Research showed that these super-foods contain a substance that breaks down a cancer-causing molecule.

Women who drank Scandinavian boiled coffee more than four times a day, compared to women who drank less than one cup a day, have a lower risk of developing the disease.

A new method for treating breast cancer may help scores of patients beat the disease without experiencing debilitating side effects, according to BBC News. Scientists are attempting to target the genetic makeup of tumors and kill it without damaging other healthy cells.

A new study out of the Washington University School of Medicine suggests that a bone-strengthening drug may also help fight off metastatic breast cancer.

A new chemotherapy drug has shown some real progress in the fight against the disease. The drug, called Bavituximab, is an antibody that is specifically designed to build a patient's immune system. It cures the disease by fighting off tumors and its blood vessels.

Study ties tumor cells to breast cancer survival. A new study has revealed that the number of tumor cells circulating in the blood of metastic breast cancer patients does affect their survival, reports BusinessWeek.

Bitter melon extract, which is a popular dietary supplement, may eventually become a preventative treatment for breast cancer. Findings suggest that bitter melon extract . . . Induces breast cancer cell death," said lead researcher Ratna b. Ray.

Vitamin D might even be beneficial in the fight against breast cancer. It is recommended that individuals eat a diet rich in foods such as fish, milk and eggs to ensure optimal vitamin D absorption, and make sure that they have enough exposure to sunlight on a daily basis.

A lot of research is going on around the world to discover the cure for cancer and to also make life easier for terminally ill patients.
Let’s hope the cure is found soon enough!

To women fighting breast cancer, please do not lose hope!

Weaning Your Baby – It’s Time to Go off Mama’s Boobs

I noticed that my neighbor’s baby was has been crying all week especially at night (maybe that’s because I get back home in the!). I had to go ask his mum what the problem was, then she told me that she was try to wean her baby off her breasts and he was refusing solid foods. You can’t blame the baby; he wants milk off his mama’s boobs and not from a spoon or cup.

Weaning your baby from milk to solids is a big step for both of you. It doesn’t have to be a time of unhappiness for either you or your baby. Weaning can be abrupt or gradual, and may take days, weeks, or months. Weaning can be influenced by the need to return to work, your health or your baby’s health and when you feel it’s the right time.

Abrupt weaning should always be avoided, unless stated otherwise by your doctor for the sake of both you and your baby. If you suddenly stop breastfeeding, your breasts will respond by becoming engorged, and you may develop a breast infection or breast abscess. Abruptly withdrawing the breast can cause emotional trauma in the baby.
Since nursing is not only a source of food for a baby, but a source of security and emotional comfort as well, taking it away abruptly can be very disturbing.

When Is The Right Time to Wean Your Baby?
It is recommended that babies should be fed with only breast milk for the first 6months outside mama’s belly.

Experts say that the right time to wean your child is after the first birthday because kids can adapt more to change at 365days. Weaning is dependent on the mother’s schedule. For a 9am – 5pm working mom, she will prefer to wean her baby at night unlike a stay at home mom who will likely wean her baby during the day. Having other sources of milk other than breast milk makes weaning easier.

These are some signs to know if your baby is ready; your baby can hold his head up, sits well with support, makes chewing motions with mouth, has doubled birth weight and is interested in what you are eating!

How to Wean
One approach is leaving the decision to child, this is called natural or baby led weaning. Your baby outgrows the need to breastfeed.

Another approach is to shorten the duration of breastfeeding until the child is taking all of the feeds from a bottle or cup.

As you start to wean, remember that your child needs time to adjust to drinking from cups. So be patient as your little one begins exploring the world of food.

These are some ways to make transition easy for both of you:
- Start with simple pureed or well mashed foods.
- Delay weaning if your child is trying to adapt to some other change e. g. teething.
- Change your feeding routine; avoid wearing your breast feeding clothes and sitting at the usual spot for nursing.
- Distract your child at the usual nursing time
- Do not discourage your child if he picks up a habit such as thumb sucking. It is just your child’s way of adjusting.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Naked Truth about Body Fat Percentage

Body fat percentage is all the buzz at the moment. You’ve seen it spoken about in Quest and know that if you reduce it by 1% you go into the final draw, but so what? What’s the big deal? It must mean that it’s good for you to lose body fat, and yes, anyone who thinks they are "fat" wants to lose fat, but is this necessary? And what about the "skinny-malinks" – should body fat percentage even be an issue?

A whole lot of questions, I know, but I’m sure many of you have had these thoughts running through your head. This might even be the closest some of you have come to exercise. Hopefully, the following description will help to change your thoughts on physical activity…

Allow me to give you a more vivid picture of body fat percentage. If you weigh 70kg and your body fat percentage is 30%, this means that your fat makes up 21kg of your total weight. Aaaahhhhh! If you consider that body fat is similar to a block of margarine, then picture 21 one kg blocks of marge distributed throughout your body; not just under the skin but around your organs and amongst your muscles as well. Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Get the picture? Much easier to understand how body fat percentage can be such a problem to your health, isn’t it?

Looking at the "skinny-malinks" – if a skinny person does no exercise, he/she won’t have much muscle which means that these blocks of marge can easily take up 30% of their body mass. Don’t be fooled by appearance. This is definitely possible.

So how do we reduce the problem? Exercise and healthy eating habits are your best options. Firstly, you need to try and increase your muscle mass. Don’t worry ladies, this won’t make you "bulk up". Increasing your muscle mass helps to boost your metabolism and in turn, burn more fat. On the nutrition side of things, you need to eat a balanced, healthy diet but at the same time, you need to consider the energy equation (energy in = energy out). If the amount of energy you burn off during the day is greater than the energy you take in from food and drink, you’ll lose weight. Doing both of these things will help to reduce your body fat percentage.

Body fat percentage does play an important role in the body and it is possible to have too little body fat percentage. The problem arises when your body fat percentage is too great. The reality is that large percentages of body fat can put you at risk for heart disease and diabetes, amongst others. Quite a realisation, isn’t it? Well, there is something you can do about it.

Written by Stephanie Goedhals

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pear shaped? Then you could be prone to memory problems

What shape you are could affect what shape your memory is in.

Women with excess fat on their hips are apparently more likely to have trouble remembering things than those with fat on their waists.

The difference between pear-shaped women and their apple-shaped peers emerges from a study of the link between obesity and mental dexterity.

Overall, researchers found that the heavier someone is, the worse their memory becomes in middle and old age.

However, the reason why pear-shaped women experienced more memory problems than apple-shaped women is related to the type of fat usually deposited on the hips, researchers said.

'Obesity is bad, but its effects are worse depending on where the fat is located,' said Dr Diana Kerwin, who led the study.

Fat releases hormones called cytokines that can cause inflammation and may interfere with memory and mental skills.

Different kinds of fats release different cytokines – and have different effects on blood pressure, cholesterol levels and insulin resistance.

'We need to find out if one kind of fat is more detrimental than the other, and how it affects brain function,' she said.

'The fat may contribute to the formation of plaques (protein deposits) associated with Alzheimer's disease or a restricted blood flow to the brain.'

She said the study showed that women with excess fat on their hips may need a more aggressive intervention to lose weight.

The study of nearly 9,000 women aged from 65 to 79 was carried out by researchers at Northwestern University, Chicago. It is the first to show a connection between obesity and mental skills among healthy older women.

'The message is obesity and a higher Body Mass Index are not good for your cognition and your memory,' said Dr Kerwin.

'While the women's scores were still in the normal range, the added weight definitely had a detrimental effect.'

For every one point increase in a woman's BMI – the measure of obesity that takes into account height as well as weight – her score on the researcher's memory test dropped by one point.

The women were scored on a 100-point memory test called the Modified Mini-Mental Status Examination, the researchers report in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society.

The link between obesity and memory was clear, even after the scientists took into account whether the women were suffering from diabetes, heart disease or stroke – all of which can lead to a decline in memory and thinking speed.
Pictures: and

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Covering Your Mouth When You Cough or Sneeze

Most people use their hands to cover their mouth when sneezing or coughing but this is not an effective way of halting infection unless you thoroughly disinfect your hands afterwards. Studies show that when you cough or sneeze into your hands, your hands is covered with virus.

Respiratory illnesses such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome {SARS}, Whooping Cough and Influenza are spread by coughing or sneezing and infected hands {unclean hands}. Viruses are spread from one person to another either by shaking hands or touching people or by touching door handles, tables, furniture and other items.

To stop the spread of germs:
- Please cover your mouth and nose with a tissue and dispose immediately.

- If a tissue is not available, use the crook of your elbow to cover your mouth and nose as recommended by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

- If you sneeze into your hand, wash with warm soapy water and soap.

- If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol based scrub e. g. Hibiscrub

- Teach children how to cough properly to help reduce the spread. Catch them young!


WATERMELON: A Thirst Quencher & Body Soldier

Summer is here again and as usual we expect the sun to be blazing hot. When thirsty a wonderful option is eating a slice of watermelon or drinking a glass of watermelon juice to quench your thirst and guess what, they are in season. Though they are available throughout the year, the quality and taste is better during the summer. Watermelon contains about 92% of water. WOW!!

Watermelon does not only quench thirst, it also has health benefits. It is a good source of vitamin C and vitamin A. It also contains important antioxidants e. g. lycopene and beta carotene which can be found in the red flesh of the watermelon.

Antioxidants neutralize the effects of free radicals. Free radicals are capable of damaging body cells; they play a role in heart attack or stroke, asthmatic attacks and cancer.

These anti oxidants will protect your eyes from other age related ailments such as drying up of eyes and optical nerves, glaucoma etc.

A good amount of potassium and magnesium, present in water melons, are very good in bringing down the blood pressure. The carotenoids present in them prevent hardening of walls of arteries and veins, thereby helping reduce blood pressure.

Lycopene improves cardiac functions. Beta carotene, known for its remarkable anti oxidant and anti aging properties, also keeps you young at the heart and prevents age related heart problems. Lypocene is found to be effective in preventing cancer, prostrate growth and repair damaged tissues.

Watermelon is a fruit that is rich in electrolytes sodium and potassium that we lose through our perspiration. Water melon is effective in reducing your body temperature and blood pressure.

The antioxidants help in reducing the severity of asthma. It also reduces the risk of colon cancer, asthma, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and prostate cancer.
Watermelon is a good source of thiamin, potassium and magnesium which protect our body from so many diseases.

For a great summer thirst-quencher and a good fight against diseases, blend chunks of watermelon with a few ice cubes and a splash of lime juice.

Friday, July 9, 2010

10 Bad Dental Habits to Break

1. Brushing too hard

Using a firm-bristled toothbrush and too much pressure can permanently wear away protective enamel {triggering tooth sensitivity and cavities} and cause receding gums. Instead, use a soft brush and gentle, circular scrubbing motions for two minutes at least twice a day. When buying a toothbrush, consider that compact heads move most easily around small mouths and long, flexible handles are better than short, stiff ones for reaching back molars.

2. The wrong toothpaste
A number of toothpastes, especially those claiming "tartar control," are too abrasive. Anything that feels gritty can erode your tooth enamel and cause receding gums. Fluoride is the only ingredient you need.

3. Not flossing
Bacteria on your teeth can develop into plaque, the leading cause of cavities and gum disease, in 24 hours. Flossing once a day is essential for removing plaque {Flossing is using either a bundle of thin nylon filaments or a plastic ribbon to remove food and dental plaque from teeth.}

4. Drinking lots of carbonated drinks {coke, fanta, diet coke}
Carbonated sodas—both diet and regular—contain phosphoric acid, which can erode teeth over a period of time. Use a straw to minimize contact with your teeth and brush afterwards.

5. Foods that stain

Tooth enamel is like a sponge. Anything that leaves a stain in a cup or on a plate (for example, coffee, tea) will give teeth a dull, yellowish color over time. Before you use whitening toothpaste, remember that they can brighten teeth a few shades, but they tend to be harsh on the enamel.

6. Frequent snacking
Every time you eat something, especially sugary or starchy food, the bacteria that normally live in your mouth create acids to break down the food. But these acids can also attack teeth, leading to decay. Eating raw, firm fruits and vegetables (like apples and carrots) with and after meals can help, they are considered to be nature's toothbrushes because of their detergent-like effect on plaque.

7. Using teeth as tools
Opening bottle corks, ripping packets or nylons and loosening knots with your teeth can lead to cracks and breaks and damage fillings and existing dental work. Also risky: Chewing ice cubes, frozen chocolate bars or hard sweets.

8. Overlooking dental problems
Bleeding gums and chronic bad breath are features of gum disease. Fight bad breath by drinking enough water to keep your mouth moist (water and saliva help control bacteria) and remove excess bacteria on the tongue with a tongue scraper. Bleeding gums can be prevented by brushing and flossing daily. If symptoms persist after a few days, consult your dentist.

9. Avoiding the dentist
Twice-yearly cleanings are recommended to maintain a healthy tooth and detect any developing gum disease. If you have an existing gum disease, you might actually need to see a dentist every three months or on your appointment days.

10. Ignoring your lips
No matter how white your teeth are, your smile still won't shine if it is framed by dry, cracked lips. Using a moisturizing balm daily will help keep lips soft and smooth.

If you want your teeth to sparkle like this, make sure you stop these bad habits.
Your teeth is usually the first thing people notice about you.
Make a lasting impression with your smile.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

DRY SKIN - You need: Vitamin A

Dry skin can be as simple as slightly rough or itchy skin, or it could be a more severe condition creating cracks, redness, peeling, pain, or a burning sensation. In severe cases, lesions may appear or the skin could begin scaling.

Vitamin A is so good for keeping skin supple that it is often added to skin creams. This antioxidant fights the free radicals your body produces which damage cells: vitamin A also helps to form new skin cells.
A deficiency of Vitamin A can lead not only to dry skin but also to dry hair, broken fingernails, and dry eyes
For a cheaper, quicker solution, try taking it internally.
Many multivitamins contain vitamin A, and other supplements, such as fish liver oil, are also high in vitamin A.

Where to get it: Oily fish, eggs, dairy, liver and red and orange fruit and vegetables.

Recommended Daily Amount: 0.8mg a day.
The following will provide this: 1.5l whole milk (vitamin A is found in the cream); 100g butter; 1 carrot; 3/4 a red pepper; 3 slices cantaloupe melon.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Common Fashion Injuries


Below are some fashion accessories that if used inappropriately can be harmful.

High Heels
High stilettos make us look sexy, but they can cause a lot of damage too. You can easily sprain an ankle or develop heel pain and plantar fasciitis. "We see heel pain often when changing from high heels to flats, but you can avoid this by doing stretching exercises after wearing heels," says a podiatrist. Podiatrist recommend limiting heel height to 2-3 inches, and buying shoes with a rubber sole or pads in the ball of the foot.

Oversized Purses
Oversized purses are very popular because they can house an endless amount of stuff. But toting around a heavy bag can lead to postural imbalance and other back-related ailments. What you lug in your purse and how you carry it makes all the difference.

Large Carry-All
"A large bag slung over one shoulder is a neck problem in the making," says a chiropractor. To combat this you should continually switch shoulders and look for bags with adjustable straps. "An adjustable strap is great because you can carry it on either shoulder or across the body. Doing this will use different body muscles and reduce the likelihood of aches and pains from overuse,"

Small Tote (worn at the elbow)
Another common trend is to hold your purse perched at the elbow. Doing this can cause a lot of strain on your forearm and you can exacerbate tendonitis of the elbow, which can become very severe if not treated. Avoid holding your bag this way.

Dangly Earrings
Wearing heavy earrings can damage the ear lobes and, in some cases, lead to tears and surgery. "Any dangling type of earring that pulls down on the earlobe--especially if it distorts or lengthens it--is too heavy to use," You can use dangling earring as long as they don’t cause you pain.

Please use your fashion items in moderation.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Vitiligo: The Disease Michael Jackson Was Diagnosed Having

Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes (the cells that make pigment) in the skin are destroyed. This results in white patches appearing on the skin in different parts of the body. Similar patches also appear on both the membranous mucosa (tissues that line the inside of the mouth and nose), and the retina (inner layer of the eyeball). The hair that grows on the affected areas sometimes turns white.

Vitiligo affects about 1 percent of the world’s population. Vitiligo may also be hereditary; that is, it can run in families. Children whose parents have vitiligo are more likely to develop vitiligo. In fact, 30 percent of people with vitiligo have a family member with the disease.

Causes of Vitiligo
The cause is unknown but researchers believe that vitiligo is caused by an autoimmune disease {a disease in which a person's immune system reacts against the body's own organs or tissues}. It has also been reported that a single event such as a sunburn or emotional distress can trigger vitiligo.
However, these have not been scientifically proven as the causes of vitiligo.

Symptoms of Vitiligo
The most notable symptom of vitiligo is white patches (depigmentation) on their skin. These patches are more commonly found on sun-exposed areas of the body, including the hands, feet, arms, face, and lips. Other common areas for white patches to appear are the armpits and groin, and around body orifices such as the mouth, eyes, nostrils, navel, genitals, and rectum.

Also, people with vitiligo may have premature graying of the scalp hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, and beard and dark skinned people may notice a loss of color inside their mouths.

Pattern and Spread of Vitiligo
Vitiligo may spread slowly in some people and rapidly in some other people. Vitiligo generally appears in these patterns:

Vitiligo generally appears in one of three patterns:
1. Focal pattern - the depigmentation is limited to one or only a few areas

2. Segmental pattern - depigmented patches develop on only one side of the body

3. Generalized pattern {the most common pattern} - Depigmentation occurs symmetrically on both sides of the body.

Treatment of Vitiligo

There is NO CURE for vitiligo but there treatments that can be used to improve or slow down the condition. Treatment options include:

- Topical Steroid Therapy – Use of corticosteroid creams

- Depigmentation – Permanent removal of all skin pigment, usually done for people who the vitiligo has covered over 50 percent of their skin.

- Psoralen photochemotherapy – This is the use of as psoralen and ultraviolet A therapy also known as PUVA therapy. It is used to repigment the white patches of skin.

- Use of sunscreens and cosmetics

- Psychological therapy

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Reducing the Risks of Hepatitis

Vaccines are only available for hepatitis A and B viruses and complete cure is not achieved even with best treatment in many cases. Therefore, focus should be on prevention. The following steps can reduce the spread of hepatitis.

- Every new born child should be vaccinated against HBV.

- Avoid the use of contaminated water ,unwashed and unpeeled fruits and vegetable etc, as they can be a source of HAV and HEV

- Practice good personal hygienic measure e.g. washing of hands thoroughly before eating and after toilet use.

- Blood and blood products must always be adequately screened before transfusion.

- DO NOT share needles, syringes and shaving accessories.

- Keep all utensils covered and clean to avoid contaminated by files.

- All food industry workers must be monitored on regular basis for Hepatitis A and E.

- Practice safe sex

- Women who are infected with hepatitis B or C must undertake adequate contraceptive measures.

- Early recognition and treatment to prevent long-term complications of hepatitis and reduce deaths due to this disease.

- Public enlightenment programs must be put in place to educate general public about clinical features, mode of spread, prevention and treatment of different types of hepatitis.