Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The 30 Minute Pregnancy Work Out

Warm up 15 minutes
Step outdoors and walk for 15 minutes. Stand tall with your shoulders back and down, elbows bent. Roll through your foot, from heel to toe, keeping your abs pulled in. Or, put on your favorite music and dance around your living room for 15 minutes.

Squat with overhead press
Holding 3- to 5-pound weights, stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Pull your abs in, draw your shoulders back and down, arms at your sides. Bend your knees and lower into a squat, sitting back on your hips and keeping knees behind toes
[A]. Straighten your knees to starting position and press your arms overhead.
[B]. Repeat 10–15 times.
Benefits: Improves balance, upper-body strength and stamina.

PliƩ with lateral raise
Holding 3- to 5-pound weights, stand with feet farther than hip-width apart, toes turned out. Place your arms in front of your hips. Bend your knees as you squeeze your buttocks and thighs
[A]. Straighten your legs as you raise your arms to shoulder height
[B]. Return to starting position. Repeat 10–15 times.
Benefits: Strengthens upper body and hips.

Opposite arm/leg reach
Get down on your hands and knees, wrists directly under your shoulders. Pull your abs in
[A]. Extend your right arm and left leg, holding for one full breath
[B]. Return to starting position, then extend your left arm and right leg. Do 5 times on each side.
Benefits: Strengthens back and abdominals.

Baby push-up
Get down on your hands and knees, wrists farther than shoulder-width apart, fingers pointing straight ahead. Pull your abs in
[A]. Bend your elbows, lowering your chest toward the floor. Keep your hips lifted.
[B]. Return to starting position and repeat 10–15 times.
Benefits: Strengthens upper body, abdominals and lower back.

Cool down for 3 minutes
Sit on the floor, placing the soles of your feet together. Holding onto your ankles, lean forward and round your spine. Hold for 30 seconds, slowly returning to the starting position. Do this 3 times.


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